We welcome you to learn about and consider joining some of our parish ministries. There are many great ways to get involved! 
If you would like more information, clicking here for a more detailed review.

Altar Servers

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, altar servers assist the higher clergy during services. They might carry the cross, candles or liturgical fans in processions and entrances. Learn More »

Agape Dancers

The Agape Dance Troupe was formed in 1986. It is open to all children in 1st through 12th grade whose parents are Stewards of St. Sophia Church. The Troupe performs at our annual Greek Fest and other cultural, civic and private events locally and in neighboring states. The Agape Dance Troupe is available to perform at weddings, baptisms or other types of functions. Learn More »


The Choir at St. Sophia is made up of and open to the faithful of all ages. The goal and mission is to be active participants in singing praises to the Lord so that the congregation may fully experience the Divine Liturgy. Choir begins in September and ends in May, with practices twice monthly. Learn More »

Sunday Church School

The Church School program fosters spiritual learning through age-appropriate lessons, which may include an introduction to church feasts, fasts and liturgical practices, prayers, Bible stories, crafts and projects, and liturgical songs. Learn More »

Golden Circle

The Golden Circle is a ministry for Senior Stewards (though young at heart) stewards of the community who come together in fellowship to grow in an Orthodox setting dealing with the sacred and secular issues of our times. The Golden Circle Group meets monthly from October through May. Learn More »

Hope Book Store

Our bookstore has a variety of Orthodox books (Greek and English, adult and children, etc.), cards, icons, CD's and DVD's for purchase. We also have Prosphoro Seals, incense, charcoal and other Orthodox items. Our bookstore is located in the hall lobby outside the main office. We are open following the Divine Liturgy on Sundays and during the week when the main office is open. Or call, 847-888-2822 to place an order.   Learn More »

Information Technology

The Information Technology (IT) Ministry is responsible for overseeing all technologies utilized at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church, Elgin IL. It provides strategic visioning, development, and operational support to the Church and its community. Learn More »

Philoptochos -"Friend of the Poor"

Philoptochos is the philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.  We are an army of women, over 25,000 strong nationally, who work to alleviate the suffering of individuals and families across our country and across the globe.  Whether it is paying a medical bill to assist a family with a critically ill child, paying rent or a mortgage so that a family can remain in their home, or sending fresh water to victims of a national disaster, Philoptochos is always there to help.  Learn More »

Parish Council

The Parish Council is composed of faithful men and women who are dedicated Orthodox Christians and who sacrifice their time, talents, and resources for the Church. We represent the parish, as clergy and laity together, and seek to fulfill the mission ascribed to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Learn More »


As faithful Stewards, your commitment is a sign of Faith, Hope and Love. A faithful Steward allows his or her heart to be their guide as one decides the commitment that best exemplifies their faith. My prayer for all is that your experience is a spiritual and rewarding one. May God, the Father in Heaven and earth grant you peace and joy as we together seek His Glorious Kingdom.   Learn More »


The ministry of ushering is comprised faithful members of our church.  Together, we set the spiritual climate of the service by presenting a joyful attitude, make others feel welcome and comfortable, and make sure that everything is flowing in a proper order so that everyone is free to worship without interruption.   Learn More »

Youth Ministry

The mission and goal of Youth Ministry is to lead our young people into experiencing the Holy Orthodox Faith. By developing a personal relationship with Christ and becoming an active member of the Church, our young people will be equipped with the tools necessary to assist them in their journey into salvation.  

By getting involved in St. Sophia's Youth Programs, the youth will learn to express their faith through a variety of hands-on activities, including community outreach, informed dialogue, and liturgical services.  The older groups are further encouraged to take on leadership roles by helping with various events of the younger age groups and parish-wide activities.

Our Youth Ministry Groups tailor the respective programs to encourage the children in various activities through social interaction with fellow Orthodox peers, outings, crafts, singing, service projects, and more, all within the context of the Orthodox Faith. Learn More »