Information Technology

The Information Technology (IT) Ministry is responsible for overseeing all technologies utilized at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church, Elgin IL. It provides strategic visioning, development, and operational support to the Church, it's ministries and community. (Check Out Our Short Video)
Thus, the mission of the IT Ministry is multifaceted and includes:
- Developing and implementing the Church's overall technology strategy and strategic plan
- Overseeing and approving all technological development, applications and services for the Church
- Evaluating emerging technologies
- Generating technology policies and procedures
- Setting and enforcing digital graphics standards
- Establishing technology standards and compliance guidelines
- Creating secure, reliable and effective information systems within the Church, it's ministries and community
- Maintaining the infrastructure that supports those systems
- Providing technical support to the Church office, ministries, departments and who use those systems
The fulfillment of this mission involves assessing the technology and informational needs of the Church as a whole, recommending, and implementing solutions to meet those needs. The IT Ministry is responsible for all computer operations and systems at the Church. Coordinating technology efforts in the various departments, organizations and institutions is also a focal point for the ministry in order to provide standardization of technology and improve the speed, efficiency and accuracy of information shared and disseminated.
The St. Sophia IT Ministry works closely with the Metropolis of Chicago, and the Archdiocese Department of Internet Ministries.
Current IT Committee Members:
- Mr. Aristides (Ari) P. Smith, Chair
- Mr. Zack Frandiadakis, Co-Chair
- Mr. Bob Baxter
- Mr. Louis Lambros
- Ms. Janice Novick
- Ms. Roblyn Theodorou
- Mr. Jim Silvers
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